One of the hardest things to recover from is a house fire. To see your family’s possessions go up in smoke is heartbreaking. That’s not to mention the mess you’ll have to deal with the fire damage itself. Before you start to clean up too much of the mess, you may want to call a fire damage adjuster in Florida.
Weather Events in Summer Can Cause a Fire
One of the reasons there are so many more fires in the summer is because of the weather. Of course, there are more lightning storms in the spring and summer than any other time of year. This can spark dry grass or kindling and cause a fire. There are also a lot of wildfires that can get out of control with the spring and summer heat and winds. If you suffer a fire at your home, you’re going to want to talk to a skilled fire damage adjuster in Florida.
4th of July is Worst Fire Day of the Year
According to the United States Fire Administration, there are more fires on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. Too many people set off fireworks and don’t know what they’re doing. There are also people who parade around with sparklers and firecrackers and don’t realize what sort of risk they’re creating. With so many states making fireworks legal, it’s hard to control this sort of thing on a major holiday like the 4th of July. If your friends or neighbors engage in this sort of things over the holiday weekend, be careful. You don’t want to have to call a Florida public adjuster because someone decides to set off a few fireworks without talking to a professional.
Contact a Florida Public Adjuster Right Away
If you’re one of the unlucky Floridians who suffer any sort of fire this summer, you’re going to need help. Even a minor house fire can take weeks or months to clean up. Not only are you dealing with the damage directly caused by the fire. You may also be dealing with significant smoke damage and water damage from putting the fire out. Rather than trying to handle this all by yourself, you should call our office. Talk to an experienced Florida public adjuster and tell them your story. If they feel you’re being taken advantage of by the insurance company, they’ll let you know. All you have to do is call and request your free estimate.