Nobody likes having to deal with the insurance company. In a perfect world, when you submitted your insurance claim, it would be paid right away. And, sometimes, it does work this way. If your claim is small, there’s a good chance your claim will be paid. The insurance company doesn’t want to spend more to fight a claim than it would cost to pay it.
There are other times when it makes more sense for the insurance company to pay your claim rather than deny it. This includes:
- Everyone else in your area or on your street suffered similar types of damage
- You submit substantial evidence that you suffered property damage
- There was a verifiable storm or incident in your town
- You don’t have a history of filing false or excessive insurance claims
In situations like this, it may make sense for the insurance public adjuster to approve your claim. However, if you are handling the claim yourself, there’s never a guarantee that it’ll be paid. If you want to increase your chances of being taken seriously, it’s a good idea to call and hire a Florida public adjuster.
The Insurance Company Will Take You More Seriously if You Have a Public adjuster Handling Your Case
If you’re handling your claim all by yourself, you may not be taken seriously. The insurance company may not return your phone calls. Or, they put your claim at the back of their pile and get to it when they get to it. In the meantime, you’re waiting to get the money so you can fix your house. This is when your public adjuster in Florida can help. Once the insurance company knows you have someone on your side, they’ll be more willing to listen to reason.
Some of the things your Florida public adjuster can help with include the following:
- They can make sure the insurance company follows the rules when it comes to accessing your home to assess the damage
- Appeal your claim if it’s been denied
- Accurately appraise the damage to your home and personal property
Overall, the biggest thing your public adjuster in Florida can do is bring attention to your claim. They’ll make sure you aren’t ignored or taken advantage of. Call our office today and schedule your free estimate. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.