Hurricane Helene Commercial/Business Property Damage
Did your business or commercial property get damaged by the Hurricane Helene? Let our Public Adjusting experts help you recover what you deserve! We have helped hundreds of commercial properties including restaurant chains like Pizza Hut, hotels, motels, condiminums, warehouses, and more. We also specilize in business interuption claims. Hurricane Charley devasted the West Coast in 2004, and we served countless businesses and residential customers in those unforgiving times. Call us today and let us help your business reopen!Here are some customers that trusted us
Pizza Hut
Insurance offer$0.00
FLPA settled$800,000+
Applewood Village
Insurance offer$402,000.00
FLPA settled+$1,364,287
Celebration Point Condominium
Insurance offer$0.00
FLPA settled$4,431,468.61
Promenade Condominium
Insurance offer$0.00
FLPA settled$725,000+
Snowmass Condo Association
Insurance offer$0.00
FLPA settled$309,326.92
Here are a few hurricane preparation tips:
The more you prepare in advance, the easier time you will have recovering from a hurricane that causes damage to your home. Make sure to be proactive and act now so you can better protect your property and your loved ones!
- If a storm should strike your area, many friends will be looking for a status on you and your home. Designate one person to email (or call) your friends with your status.
- Get a list of all contractors (roofers, general contractors, yard clean up, etc.). If you have a maintenance contract with them, ask to be contacted so you can be first on the list.
- Be sure to have a cell phone and purchase an extra battery just in case. If a hurricane should strike your area, your phone service may be out for weeks, or longer. Cell phone service will probably be affected, but it may be your only source of communication.
- Purchase a generator, as you’ll probably need temporary electricity. Be sure to get several gas cans to fill the generator often. You may want to test the generator beforehand and make sure you have to proper extension cords to run your refrigerator, etc.
- Take photos of you home, business, and personal property. A video may be best. You may want to mail these photos (or email them) to a relative, in case your home is destroyed. Or, keep important documents in a watertight safe, or put them in Ziploc bags in a safe place (not in the attic or near windows). These documents should include insurance papers, photos of your property before the storm, licenses, credit cards, etc.
- Make a copy of your insurance policy and email it to yourself. This should include the number to call if you have to place a claim. Unfortunately, if your home is destroyed, your documents will be destroyed as well.
Call our Public Adjusters located throughout the entire State of Florida!
Hurricane Milton

We handle residential claims, business claims, and commercial complex claims. No property is too large for our team. We've adjusted a property with 27 buildings in Miami Lakes, and we've adjusted 12 Pizza Hut locations damaged from Hurricae Wilma, from the Keys to West Palm Beach. Many factors go into settling complex storm claim, so leave your claim to the experts at Florida Loss Public Adjusters.
Our professionals have adjusted thousands of claims over the years. Let our trusted team use their experience to help you too.
Hurricane Adjusting
At Florida Loss Public Adjusters Inc., we have highly skilled hurricane claims adjusting experts! Our Adjusters have over 50 years of combined adjusting experience, and we also have extensive experience handling hurricane-related claims, and not just in Florida. Our hurricane adjusting expertise includes losses related to condominiums, apartment complexes, business interruption, and residential losses.Our professionals have adjusted over a thousand hurricane claims, dating back to Hurricane Charley, Katrina, and Wilma. Our hurricane claims experience, and overall knowledge of insurance policies, puts Florida Loss Public Adjusters above the rest.
Contact a Public Adjuster now
Arthur | Bertha | Cristobal |
Dolly | Edouard | Fay |
Gonzalo | Hanna | Isaias |
Josephine | Kyle | Laura |
Marco | Nana | Omar |
Paulette | Rene | Sally |
Teddy | Vicky | Wilfred |
Here are a few hurricane preparation tips:
The more you prepare in advance, the easier time you will have recovering from a hurricane that causes damage to your home. Make sure to be proactive and act now so you can better protect your property and your loved ones!-
- If a storm should strike your area, many friends will be looking for a status on you and your home. Designate one person to email (or call) your friends with your status.
- Get a list of all contractors (roofers, general contractors, yard clean up, etc.). If you have a maintenance contract with them, ask to be contacted so you can be first on the list.
- Be sure to have a cell phone and purchase an extra battery just in case. If a hurricane should strike your area, your phone service may be out for weeks, or longer. Cell phone service will probably be affected, but it may be your only source of communication.
- Purchase a generator, as you’ll probably need temporary electricity. Be sure to get several gas cans to fill the generator often. You may want to test the generator beforehand and make sure you have to proper extension cords to run your refrigerator, etc.
- Take photos of you home, business, and personal property. A video may be best. You may want to mail these photos (or email them) to a relative, in case your home is destroyed. Or, keep important documents in a watertight safe, or put them in Ziploc bags in a safe place (not in the attic or near windows). These documents should include insurance papers, photos of your property before the storm, licenses, credit cards, etc.
- Make a copy of your insurance policy and email it to yourself. This should include the number to call if you have to place a claim. Unfortunately, if your home is destroyed, your documents will be destroyed as well.