Florida Loss Public Adjusters, Inc. - State License# E109802 |

(954) 430-7333

insurance company deNIED MY CLAIM, WHAT SHOULD i DO?

Insurance company denied my claim, what should I do?

When you acquire an asset, it’s because you understand it’s value and it’s propensity to serve your needs as long as possible. To make sure you enjoy your property to the fullest, you’d do everything you can to safeguard it, maintain it, and ensure that it’s a long-distance from harm’s way.

In reality though, we can’t always be too careful, and to mitigate the risks occasioned by accidents and other unforeseen circumstances, it makes sense to get an insurance policy. These insurance policies would provide the necessary cover for accidents that may occur consequently. These accidents include, but are not limited to car accidents, and property damage.  

Insurance companies act as succor, helping victims navigate the difficulties of losing or damaging properties by providing options for these individuals to lay claim based on agreed-upon conditions.

But sometimes, even our hopes in our insurance companies can be dashed when we encounter problems like our insurance companies denying our claims. What do we do then?

What it means when your insurance company denied your claim

When your insurance company denies your insurance claim, it simply means that they have refused to pay the damages you have claimed. In other words, the insurance company has denied your insurance claim due to unacceptable terms.  This could happen for a variety of reasons – your insurance company may not cover your claims, your property damage occurred as a result of negligence on your path etc.

Whatever the reason, an insurance claim denied by your insurance company is not final or irrefutable. If you’re sure that your insurance claim is right, you can always get an adjuster to help verify your claims, and get paid as stipulated on your insurance agreement with the insurance company in question.

This can be actualized if you follow the right steps.


Steps to take when your insurance company denies your claim

Here’s what you should do when your insurance company denies your claims:

Know why your insurance claim is being denied

The first step is to understand why your claim was denied by your insurance company. This will help you know what to do, and the steps to take to get help. 

It could also help you understand if you even need an adjuster to take up your denied claim with the insurance company. This is especially important as the issue could be as mundane as providing inaccurate information to your insurance company.

Review your insurance policy and verify clauses

Most times, insurance companies deny claims because they feel your claims are not covered under their policy. If this is the reason your insurance company has denied your claim, review your insurance policy and verify every clause on it to make sure that the company isn’t mistaken. Also, it is important to read through the terms and conditions of your insurance company. This will enable you to spot out the rights reserved by your insurance provider.

Visit the insurance regulator in your state

If you feel that you’ve done all you need to do from your end and that your claims are covered under the policy but your claim is still wrongfully denied by your insurance provider, you may take the matter up with your state insurance regulator.

Contact your Adjuster

While your state regulator can help answer some questions and solve some problems you may face with your insurance provider, the functions of the state regulator may be limited. To efficiently recover your claim and enforce your rights, you may need an insurance adjuster’s services. 

If you follow these steps towards reinstating on your claim, your insurance company may take responsibility for its inaction and pay your claim as stipulated on your agreement.

Take control of your claim today, get an attorney, and get your insurer to pay your claim, after all, it is your right.

(954) 430-7333