Florida Loss Public Adjusters, Inc. - State License# E109802 |

(954) 430-7333

Some people worry that a Florida public adjuster won’t be able to resolve their claim. What they don’t realize is that most of them worked for the big insurance companies for years. They know the ins and outs of the industry and will do whatever they can to get your claim approved. It’s a good idea to call today and schedule your free estimate. You’ve got nothing to lose, and they may be able to get you the money you deserve.

Many Florida Public Adjusters Did Work in the Insurance Industry

While your Florida public adjuster isn’t necessarily an insurance agent, they know how the industry works. They understand how to negotiate with the insurance adjusters to get your claim paid. They also have an idea of how far they can push the matter.

It’s Important That They Know How the Big Insurance Companies Work

One of the great things about your Florida public adjuster is they know how the big insurance companies work. They probably worked for one at some point in their career. After a while, it can get frustrating. That’s why they decide to strike out on their own and actually help people get their claims paid.

Can Your Water Damage Adjuster Find Out Why Your Claim Was Denied?

If your homeowner’s company refuses to cover your water damage, then you need help. Sometimes, they don’t give you a detailed reason for why your claim was denied. Your water damage adjuster in Florida will be able to get this information for you. You don’t have to worry about the insurance company ignoring your adjuster’s calls and emails. They’ll get to the bottom of the issue so you can do whatever it takes to fix it.

You’ll Be at an Advantage if You Hire a Florida Public Adjuster

There’s no law that says you must hire a Florida public adjuster. However, you’ll be at disadvantage if you try to handle things on your own. Most people aren’t equipped to deal with big insurance companies. They can be very intimidating. They also tend to put files without independent adjusters to the bottom of the file. That’s why it’s a good idea to call and talk to a water damage adjuster as soon as you learn your claim has been denied. At least take advantage of your free estimate.

(954) 430-7333