It’s very rare for a roof to collapse without warning. Usually, a homeowner notices the damage long before it caves in. However, that isn’t always the case. You may have thought the damage was minimal. Or it could have been due to a terrible storm. For the most part, your homeowner’s insurance should cover this sort of thing. If, for some reason, they don’t, you need to call a Florida public adjuster. They negotiate with the insurance company and make sure your claim is fully paid.
Most Insurance Policies Cover Roof Damage
As long as your roof damage was caused by the elements, you should be covered. If there’s a terrible ice storm or hurricane, it may destroy your roof. Or, if you have an unusual snowstorm in Florida, your roof may suffer damage. Other times, a roof is damaged from other things. For example, if it collapsed because you had unlicensed roofers up there, your claim may be denied. That’s when your hurricane damage adjuster in Florida will need to take a look at your policy.
Let Your Florida Public Adjuster Know if Any Personal Items Were Destroyed
Depending on how bad the damage was, your personal possessions may be impacted too. If the roof collapsed over your bedroom, your bedroom set, jewelry and clothing may be destroyed. Or it happened over a single-story home, it could cause damage to all your furniture. This is the stuff you need to tell your Florida public adjuster about. It’s important that you include all damage in your claim. If you forget to add something, there’ no guarantee that you can amend the claim later. Also, be prepared to show proof that you owned these items and what they were worth. If you’re unsure how to do that, ask your hurricane damage adjuster.
Call and Ask for Your Free Estimate
If you’ve never had to repair or replace a roof, you may not realize how expensive it is. Just for a traditional, standard roof it could cost as much as $20,000. If your roof is intricate or of a special material, it’ll cost even more. You shouldn’t have to pay this out of pocket if it’s supposed to be covered by insurance. It’s a good idea to talk to a Florida public adjuster before you do anything final. You can call and request your free estimate.