When disaster strikes and you need money to repair your home, for which you still pay mortgage rates, you are caught between a rock and a hard place. Your mortgage lender is pressuring to keep up with your payments. Meanwhile, you are waiting for your claim to be approved and to get the money you need so badly. The best solution for you in this instance is to hire Florida public adjusters to negotiate your claim. Also, they have the experience and know-how to help you keep the peace with your mortgage lenders during this stressful time.
Here are some of the best reasons to consider hiring a public adjuster in your specific situation:
1. Create a Solid Paper Trail of the Damage
Whenever you want to discuss any grace period with the mortgage bank, you will have to provide supporting documents. They must prove without a doubt that what you claim is true and represents a force majeure situation.
Florida public adjusters can help you document the extent of the damage your home suffered and a detailed estimate of the financial losses. These are official documents issued by a certified company and no lending institution will refuse to acknowledge them.
2. Expedite Negotiations with the Insurance Company
Mortgage lenders may be willing to give you a grace period, but only for a few months. However, waiting for your claim to go through can take much longer than this. Experienced Florida public adjusters will make sure that your claim is handled with due care and in a timely fashion.
They know what arguments to use in negotiations, because many of them have a background education and job experience as insurance adjusters. Knowing the system from the inside is a huge bonus in your favor.
3. Discuss with Mortgage Lenders on Your Behalf
Public adjusters can be mediators in your talks with the mortgage bank. They can provide a progress report, indicating how close they are to reaching an agreement with the insurance company.
Our Florida public adjusters know how to talk to various institutions and authorities. We have the know-how and experience to deal with complex situation with calm. Meanwhile, you can focus on starting to make the repairs you afford to and find ways to return to a normal family life.
We encourage you to contact Florida public adjusters if your home was damaged in a hurricane or fire, or if you suffered damages due to burglary. We can negotiate your claim amount and help you win a grace period from your mortgage lender. Contact us today!